
2020 TiE University Finals Winners Announced!

First Place – Aerodyme Technologies

Aerodyme Technologies (Georgia Institute of Technology) is creating an automated, side-mounted aerodynamic attachment for tractor trailers that is designed to address the drag force on the rear of the vehicle and Increase the tractor trailer’s fuel economy.  The team is led by: Tyler Boone, Joy Bullington, Joyce Delker and Victoria Delker.

Ryze Financial (University of Georgia) helps consumers invest in disruptive technology, starting with Bitcoin. Our users describe Ryze as their personal crypto hedge fund. Ryze’s technology actively manages user funds to help reduce volatility, limit downside risk, and outperform the market. The team is led by Srikar Komanduri, John Zay and Abhay Alrui.

Second Place – RYZE

Third Place (tie) – AURIGN 

Aurign (Georgia State University) is a decentralized music publishing company. Our online platform uses AI and blockchain technology to collect and track royalty payments for music artists and record labels. The team is led by Robert Hatcher.

Third Place (tie) –  ASCENT ANALYTICS

Ascent Analytics (Emory University) aims to bring fall prevention in long-term care facilities in the 21st century. We provide three core services for LTCFs: fall risk assessment, root cause analysis, and remote patient monitoring. The team led by Sharvil Patel and Aditya Jhaveri.

TiE Atlanta gives special thanks to TYE University Program Team Dr. Paul Lopez, Dr. Benn Konsynski, Mallu Huralikoppi, Eric Ensor and Jay Sheth. 

TiE Atlanta gives special thanks to TYE University judges Karen Robinson, Rick Cope, Sid Mookerji and Eric Ensor.

TiE University has brought together 155 teams, 305 students across 18 Georgia-based universities, and 75 coaches and mentors since 2013.

TiE Atlanta was made possible by the following sponsors: Genuine Parts Company, Georgia State University’s Entrepreneurship and Innovation Institute, Koratana Family Foundation, Mookerji Foundation, The Westminster Schools, and Woodward Academy.